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Macedonian timeline
Macedonian timeline is just the right spot to go back in the past, talk about today and determine the future.Our new and exciting articles will present fascinating events, news, information based on facts which will get closer insight of  stories through the centuries. You can also express your opinion in  "My view" section or by sharing comments under the article. This blog is a strong voice against the injustice, discrimination against Macedonia in the past and now. By reading macedonian history you will find out more about your heritage,know more about your ancestors and their struggles for freedom, and preserving the national identity.Considering the difficult economic,social and political conditions, and attempts to supress the national awareness, there are not enough words to express the gratitude for their sacrifice to free Macedonia.
Macedonian people home and abroad deserve better. 

Macedonia, Macedonian, Macedonians forever.
The Macedonian timeline is established on the 12 of April 2011
Owner and editor: Gordana Dimovska
Contact: gordana.70@bigpond.com

Соработник: Љубица Поповска